With the amount of riding I have been doing lately it's been really hard to waste time in blogosphere, but with a huge project in the works and research needing to be done, I figure I could get some sort of update out just to solidify that I am still alive and kickin.
To start with, I made a stop into Point to pick up Nate, hung out for the night, and headed off to the Rockford area for 30+ miles of racing. All intel gained to this point was that the course was 99% perfect and only a "few" muddy sections. We arrived in what I thought was plenty of time and I don't even think the RC Trailcrew were ready for the amount of people looking for a race to do and consequently enough we stood in line for what seemed like hours and had just enough time to get on the bike and head to the start.
The start was more or less annoying with no real wheel to latch onto since I was the very last person to line up but before I got to the entrance to the singletrack, I had caught
Russell and began to reel in another small group of chase riders and then all hell broke loose with me forgeting how to ride in axle-deep mud and going down within the first 10 minutes. So when I thought I got that out of the way I began to have cleat problems and realized I needed an earlier release angle only after I smashed into a tree and even after falling I still wasn't unclipped. I was quite pleased with my Rudy helmet and glasses not getting destroyed during impact so I'll get to use them again at Iola for the WORS opener. Regardless of the conditions and pulling the plug after the first lap, I was able to gather information on what I did well and not so well. I felt rock solid on climbing, great on the logpiles and singletrack speed and did well on speed on flats and false flats. I do need to work on my descending speed and skills. Nate had a smokin race and so did the Lalonde bros...again.
A month from today I will be embarking on my first laps into first 12 hour solo event of the year and I haven't even put more than an hour on the MTB and this fact is just sickening. Sorry there are not any pictures as I am sure the mud kept the photographers from noticing my stellar kit and boyish good looks.
Secondly, Wisconsin strikes again with it's lovely forecast of rain everyday and if that's not forecasted it's snow. Now I am sure everybody is sick of hearing about snow, cold, and people like me whinning about snow, but it just doesn't want to let up....at all. I am dangerously close to asking the
EVOMO guys when I can move in since I may just go over for the Sea Otter next year and chill at their killer race lounge as it sounds like they had a hell of a
good time last week. makes me proud to be affiliated with such an awesome group. Speaking of which, I need to go and pick up their latest
Finally, Good luck to everyone braving the conditions at Trans Iowa. Judging from the pictures it looks like a mess out there and I hope to see you all at Iola.