Tuesday, November 6, 2007

WADA's New Testing Facilities

With all of the doping scandals going now days why aren't lesser known pros getting on these teams or any sort of publicity for these guys. Simple answer would be cause teams are welcoming back riders convicted in the past based on their word that they will not CHEAT again. Come on people Discovery couldn't land a major sponsor caused by basso and the general issues surround doping in our sport that we as cyclists strive to keep alive on a daily basis. What has to be done to keep this sport clean? What has to be done to keep the governing bodies honest instead of the witch hunt that has been taking place and not following correct procedures as instructed. Pretty soon there will be "agents" waiting in the porta johns ready for YOUR deposit. I guess I can be happy knowing that I progressed to this point 100% clean minus a few Point Specials here and there.

Positive Note: Ski Swap Saturday at Marathon Park!!!!!

1 comment:

EVOMO said...

we are pleased to be officiating drug testing facilities for the Southern California area races. A warning to all you would be dopers out there, our portable dope testing isn't a walk in the park.